samba – synchroniser OpenLDAP depuis AD avec LSC


LDAP Synchronization Connector (LSC) est un connecteur libre permettant de synchroniser les identités entre un annuaire LDAP et n'importe quelle source de données, y compris toute base de données avec un connecteur JDBC, un autre serveur LDAP, des fichiers plats, … Depuis debian 9, lsc est disponible en 2.1.4 via apt-get install lsc. La documentation est disponible :

root@debian9:~# vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lsc-project.list
deb lsc main
deb-src lsc main

root@debian9:~# wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

root@debian9:~# apt-get update

root@debian9:~# apt-get install lsc

root@debian9:/etc/ldap# apt-get install lsc

root@debian9:/etc/ldap# lsc
2019/10/22 18:35:56 [lsc] No java executable found on PATH or in JAVA_HOME! Aborting.
2019/10/22 18:35:56 [lsc] Define JAVA_HOME or adjust your PATH variable to include java.

root@debian9:/etc/ldap# apt-get install openjdk-8-jre

root@debian9:/etc/ldap# lsc
usage: lsc
 -a,--asynchronous-synchronize <arg>   Asynchronous synchronization task
                                       (one of the available tasks or
 -c,--clean <arg>                      Cleaning type (one of the available
                                       tasks or 'all')
 -f,--config <arg>                     Specify configuration directory
 -h,--help                             Get this text
 -i,--time-limit <arg>                 Time limit in parallel server mode
                                       in seconds (default: 3600)
 -n,--dryrun                           Don't update the directory at all
 -nc,--nocreate                        Don't create any entry
 -nd,--nodelete                        Don't delete
 -nr,--nomodrdn                        Don't rename (MODRDN)
 -nu,--noupdate                        Don't update
 -s,--synchronize <arg>                Synchronization task (one of the
                                       available tasks or 'all')
 -t,--threads <arg>                    Number of parallel threads to
                                       synchronize a task (default: 5)
 -v,--validate                         Validate configuration (check
                                       connections ...)
 -x,--convert                          Convert to lsc.xml
                                       (-f is mandatory while converting)
dc1old:~# vi /etc/lsc/lsc.xml


dc1old:~# /usr/bin/lsc -c all -s all